Have a question, we are sure they have been asked before, have a look at our FAQ to see if yours has been
What Mikrotik Devices are supported?
The current supported devices are all Router OS and Access Points, basically all devices that have the Script & Schedule option.
Can I backup Switch OS with Mikrobak
Unfortunately Switch OS is not supported as it does not currently have (or have the real need) the Script &Schedule option available.
Can you decrypt our backup files?
No we cannot do this without the encryption password you specified for your backups. We do not and never will store this password for your backup data safety.
Where should I keep the encryption password?
As we all know remembering many passwords is not an easy thing to do, we suggest a good password manager like KeePass for example. This allows you to remember 1 secure password for the password database, and all the other passwords are kept in a handy encrypted database.
I have lost my encryption password what do I do?
If you did not keep the password in a safe place there is no way we will be able to assist you in recovering the password. We can only suggest that you look for a copy of the original (or changed) script that we produce for you when you added the device. We do not recommended ever keeping these files once a device is added, as it will contain the password that you chose to encrypt the backup; good practice is to delete the file after you have used it.
Can I use the same script on multiple devices?
No you should never do this, each script is written for the specific device you add. If you do this your backups will be over written and your uptime monitoring will be unreliable. 1 script per device.
I have a feature that I could really use added to the service
At Mikrobak we are growing our service offering, maybe the feature you want is already in the pipeline. You are welcome to drop us an email to see if we can or will be accommodating the request in the near future.
I see the backup files are not deleting on the device and I do not see them in my profile.
There are a few reasons that could cause this. The most common being the inability of the device to resolve DNS, ensure you have specified at least 1 valid DNS server under IP->DNS
Can I add another email address for notifications?
Yes you can, this can be found under your accounts section. There is a field called "Notifications CC Email" where you can add another email address to be in copy for notifications